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· 183 ratings · 15 reviews
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Want a great guide for how to draw a tree? This was a fun read that made me feel I could! And I did. Not as nicely as Munari, but this was my first try. Thanks to Austin Kleon who recommended it (author and artist who wrote among other books, Steal Like an Artist - I highly recommend subscribing to his weekly newsletter. I have read many of the books he recommends and have found many new writers and artists). I had fun with Drawing a Tree and won't ever look at a tree in the same way again-I'll Want a great guide for how to draw a tree? This was a fun read that made me feel I could! And I did. Not as nicely as Munari, but this was my first try. Thanks to Austin Kleon who recommended it (author and artist who wrote among other books, Steal Like an Artist - I highly recommend subscribing to his weekly newsletter. I have read many of the books he recommends and have found many new writers and artists). I had fun with Drawing a Tree and won't ever look at a tree in the same way again-I'll always be looking at how it is structured so that I can draw one myself. ...more
Simply beautiful. Munari's simplicity is key to this. Don't expect something complex, that's not his style. Simply beautiful. Munari's simplicity is key to this. Don't expect something complex, that's not his style. ...more
albero: esplosione lentissima di un seme.
(munari sembra sempre portarti via con poco. e invece, poco un cavolo)
-این ریویو برای ترجمهی فارسی کتاب، چاپ کانون پرورش فکری است و نه خود کتاب-
در بخش «معرفی کتاب» هم در وبسایت کانون و پروفایل کانون در طاقچه و هم در گودریدز، نقل قولی از کتاب نوشته شده که اشاره به نقش و الهامبخشی لئوناردو داوینچی داره در خلق این کتاب.
آقای مترجم و «بازنویس» در کتاب گویا به صلاحدید خودشون این بخش (و خدا میدونه چه بخشهای دیگری از کتاب رو) حذف کرده. برای همین من هیچ مطمئن نیستم چیزی که خوندم چقدر اصالت داشته باشه و وفادار به متن اصلی بوده باشه.
i don't really know what i expected from this book but i was kind of disappointed when i finally got it trees are my favourite creatures these days and i really wanted to dig in that subject to find out more about them in order to SEE and UNDERSTAND them better
bruno munari teaches us HOW to draw a tree but nothing more; he talks mostly about the structure of the tree (trunk, branches, bark) but not about the leaves, the fruits, the seeds which i found pretty strange
the book is full of BEAUTIFU
i don't really know what i expected from this book but i was kind of disappointed when i finally got it trees are my favourite creatures these days and i really wanted to dig in that subject to find out more about them in order to SEE and UNDERSTAND them better
bruno munari teaches us HOW to draw a tree but nothing more; he talks mostly about the structure of the tree (trunk, branches, bark) but not about the leaves, the fruits, the seeds which i found pretty strange
the book is full of BEAUTIFUL drawings but i really wanted something to READ
i guess the funny part is to come - when i go to the park to DRAW trees myself!
p.s. i guess the most important thing to bruno munari is this: "remember that the branches that follows is always slenderer than the one before", he repeats it more than 10 times!
"La perfección es muy bella, pero estúpida" "La perfección es muy bella, pero estúpida" ...more
Simplicidad en estado puro. Promete exactamente lo que dice el título. Un libro para todos aquellos que quieran empezar a explotar su creatividad de forma fácil y asequible
Premetto che io gli alberi li ho sempre saputi disegnare, mi son trovata questo libretto tra le mani per caso e l'ho letto in 10 min. Molto elementare e diretto, poche parole delicate che aiutano a capire la semplicità della natura... alla fine mi ha fatto sorridere. Premetto che io gli alberi li ho sempre saputi disegnare, mi son trovata questo libretto tra le mani per caso e l'ho letto in 10 min. Molto elementare e diretto, poche parole delicate che aiutano a capire la semplicità della natura... alla fine mi ha fatto sorridere. ...more
I am better at drawing trees now. helpful.
Un manuale per bambini o per chiunque voglia disegnare un albero diventa anche una poesia grafica e un metodo per guardare il mondo.
La perfección es muy bella, pero estúpida. Es preciso conocerla, pero también saber destruirla.
I loved it. This turned out to be a more children's book than a design related novel which is just as well made it easier for me to understand in Italian. I loved the part in the end about the giant tree project. Super cute book. The illustrations were really enjoyable. I loved it. This turned out to be a more children's book than a design related novel which is just as well made it easier for me to understand in Italian. I loved the part in the end about the giant tree project. Super cute book. The illustrations were really enjoyable. ...more
It is a simple book, in the good-way. I think that the idea behind this book is more about to learn a "method" on how drawing, rather the just "teaching us on how to draw a tree".
It is a simple book, in the good-way. I think that the idea behind this book is more about to learn a "method" on how drawing, rather the just "teaching us on how to draw a tree".
...more Bruno Munari was an Italian artist and designer, who contributed fundamentals in many fields of visual arts (paint, sculpture, film, industrial design, graphics) and non visual arts (literature, poetry, didactic) with the research on the game subject, infancy and creativity.
Mahogany L. Browne is the author of Chlorine Sky, Woke: A Young Poets Call to Justice, Woke Baby, and Black Girl Magic. She's also the...
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